Past Work


A five-minute solo set to The Hustle, this work teeters between humor and exhaustion as DZ (and tries again) to get it “right,” mirroring the pressure to live up to expectations—onstage and in the so-called American Dream. Urged on by a chorus of voices—“JUST DO IT,” “SI SE PUEDE,” “MY BODY, MY CHOICE”—she pushes forward until resistance wins out. A poignant yet playful take on optimism as both fuel and burden.

This work was premiered at NunArt Guinardo’s Escenari Obert.


The Halloween performance of our fevers dreams, featuring DZ’s metamorphosis from dinosaur to child at play complete with 3 costume changes, live music from Curt Mercy for their single release show, and stunning projection art from Hersch Visuals.

Now a music video!

2020 | Tableau Rèvolution


In the campy yet tender Tableau Rèvolution DZ Maciel uses sweeping movement, idiosyncratic gesture, and an illustrious narrator figure to examine a layered relationship between WAR and SPECTACLE. Thirteen dancers move in and our of images borrowed from historical war-art  drawing audiences in to their heartbreaking (and humorous) world in battle and performance. 

Tableau Rèvoltion was created by DZ while in residency at the University of Florida, School of Theater and Dance.


DZ was commissioned by Provisions NYC and Kin Euphorics for a series of pandemic performances in March & April of 2020.

SLOW GROW BEAUTY DOWN is DZ’s first response to a global shut down in her apartment in Brooklyn, NY.

The following project was an exploration on inner children, created in collaborating with follower’s input via social media.

Both projects were performed live for virtual audiences and filmed by Connor Pereyo, DZ’s friend, downstairs neighbor, and quarantine buddy.

2020 | Me, Wrestling

Created and premiered through Jacob’s Pillow Curriculum in Motion Residency Me, Wrestling is DZ’s gift to her younger self, a compelling coming-of-age dance that wrestles with the ‘who was’ and ‘who is’ of personhood.

This work will be developed by the company as an invitation to our collective wrestling with our many truths held in tension.

2020 | Bringing up Blue

DZ Maciel in collaboration with Samuel Horning premiere Bringing up Blue at Keshet Center for the Arts in Albuquerque, New Mexico as part of the Keshet Makers Space Experience Residency

2019 | sucknblow

a quirky duet shared that is exactly what it sounds like: just two people developing a relationship through sucking in air, and blowing it out. It is absurd, practical, and a heap of fun!

sucknblow was first show at Gallim studios for Create Art Performance with DZ Maciel & Libby Wolf after brief research in 2016 with Kenny Frechette for Movement Research Open Performance Series. Since then it has also been seen at Current Showcase, and has welcomed new dancer Benjamin Roach!

2018 | hollow not empty

Hollow not empty was commissioned by Agora Dance, Washington D.C based contemporary ballet company. Set on Jaya Bond it premiered at The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts April 2018 for Agora Dance’s 3MINMAX. This work had also been shown at the Smithsonian Arts & Industries Building for their By the People Festival.

This marked the first collaboration between DZ & poet Erika Oakvik, whose poem inspired the choreography, “a battle-time sacrifice justified for the Bigger War”.

2017 | sabiduria

DZ's solo project, exploring the dynamic relationship between suppression & freedom as it intersects with her identity as a Peruvian-Brazilian-American daughter of immigrants. DZ moves through dance, speech, and song in her moving attempt to be understood.

Sabiduria premiered at Dixon Place’s NYC DANCE10, and has performed at MERGE 2.0 at the Center for Performance Research, and Streamers at Situations Gallery.

2015 | grabbing fresh air

A solo created for Shannon Healey, where DZ explores grasping at impossible tasks, and arriving at exhaustion. Asking: what it might look like to grab fresh air? Can we grab at rest with force?

2014 | DON’T DATE ME

A play written and conceived by DZ Maciel, directed by Megan Wicks, and produced by Florida Players for their New Works Festival at Squitieri Studio Theater.


Leann - Mia Jeanne-Frattino
Brooke - Hope Golds
Candice - Ariel Reich
Bo - Chris Kozack
Ambiguous Male Figure - Paul Poppe

Stage Manager:
Carrie Bigley
Scenic Design:
Sara Price
Media Design:
Christian Allison

2014 | The Crux of the Matter

The re-building of a broken world, shaken up and staged, for an audience to see. DZ with dancers Shannon Healey & Amanda Stambrosky.

This insightful piece gained recognition at the American College Dance Association, given Gala honors, and  at University of Florida being awarded the College of the Arts Creative Research Award & School of Theater & Dance Direction Award.

2014 | Bubble Dance

Created with Shannon Healey as a guerrila performane for Bates Dance Festival, Bubble Dance explored personal bubbles, walls, and how our personlity changes based on proximity. The piece toured Florida in 2015, including performances at Primitive Studios, and residencies with Sarasota Contemporary Dance Company & The New School. This work was highly complimented by the Sarasota Herald as "instructive example of how what we see and how we interpret can be dictated by our own perspectives and predilections."

2014 | NOW עכשיו

Created for the Jerusalem Academy of Music & Dance in Isreal, DZ explores the coalescence of identity in community, featuring original composition by DZ & live performane by cellist Natalie Martin, with dancers Kat Hernandez, Krista Zozulia, and Charlotte Twitchell.

2013 | Okay…and then

Created for dancer Mara Eagen, inspired by Minnesota winters and task.

2012 | The Critical Assessment

Where DZ explores the nature of warning signals, with dancers Ross Mogerly, Lindsey Palmquist, and Sara Nelson.